Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What movie is a good idea for a first date movie right now?

I know this girl is interested in me and i want to take her on a date with me to the movies....but when i ask idk wut type of movie would be a good idea to watch for a first date...like i was thinking of Sweeney Todd but it is a thriller so...idk. Ladies, wut type movies do you like to watch with your guy when you go out on a date with him?

And for all dates, i want to be as gentleman as possible.. suggestions?

plus should i put my arm around her first date or not (when watching the movie)?

first dates stink lol

What movie is a good idea for a first date movie right now?
ps i love you
Reply:Sweeney Todd is not a thriller, it's a dark musical.

Why don't you ask the girl? It depends upon her tastes in movies.
Reply:John Rambo its coming to a theater near you. :-p

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