Friday, July 16, 2010

What movie is this?

The movie is a older movie probably not less then 15 years old. but one of the parts the hero or star of the movie comes across a few of the bad kings men chaseing a small boy up a tree, and he saves the boy. there is a stone wall that is under the tree, and it takes place on a hill side in the country. I think there is also a black man with a big sword that the hero saved his life and owes the hero for it?? There is also a part later in the movie where the hero comes across this river where he meets up with the "klan" that will eventually help him. he starts off fighting with the leader of this klan, over passage across the water or something??? I dont remember who stars in it or anything more about the movie except it takes place in england or something?? does anyone know what I am talking about???

What movie is this?
sounds like robin hood price of theives, try watching this then robin hood men in tights (very funny spoof movie, Mel Brooks).
Reply:Robin Hood: Prince of Theives

Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman
Reply:It sounds like the movie Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves. It starts Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman.
Reply:Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves.
Reply:Robin Hood Prince of Thieves starring Kevin Costner and Morgan freeman. !00% sure
Reply:Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. It was a good movie.

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