Thursday, August 19, 2010

In the movie the Note Book?

The main girl in this movie leaves her fiance because supposedly the love of her first love is so strong.

Why is that OK? If this would happen in real life she would be a horrible person.

Her fiance in this movie seems like a really great guy and treats her well but she just ups and leaves him on a whim. The movie goers are supposed to pull for this other relatinship.

Watching this movie though all I could think of is how different this story could be if they shot it from the perspective of the fiance that is losing his woman to another guy, and he's done nothing wrong.

Why do movies send out messages like this? It's ok to do what you want and it doesn't matter who you hurt as long as you get what you want?

In the movie the Note Book?
that movie played out my exact situation. i was with a guy, almost married him (we didn't go as far as getting engaged) i was happy....but i always thought of my ex. one day my ex appeared and wanted to rekindle things..if it were any other person, i would have said no, but there is something so strong between us, that me letting the current boyfriend go wasn't a problem. i loved him....i knew i was going to hurt him, but i knew, once the ex came back....i realized i was unhappy and i wouldn't be happy if it stayed. maybe it was selfish....but marriage...and the rest of your life isn't a whim thing. you got to make sure you know what you're doing.
Reply:I think the fiance got a good deal out of it. Would you want someone who's love with someone else to marry you, despite their feelings? I'd rather love someone and lose them, then have them stay with me out of obligation. They'd end up resenting me, or worse, when we both could have happy with other people.
Reply:The message here is not to leave a committed relationship and break some ones heart. The message is to trust what your heart tells you, despite what the "rules" are, despite what society says about it, and despite what message may be revealed. If everyone did what there soul suggested and not what the "others" figure is politically correct, we would all be happier in our relationships, our religion, and our careers.

Please also keep in mind that this would be a different movie if shot from another view. What do you think would have happened to the fiancee if she had married him despite breaking is heart. Would either of them really been happy in five years in a marriage built on others expectations.

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