Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Movie Editing?

I am making a movie for my friends of a clayfight we had on the holidays, and I want to know how to do a few things...

1. someone throws a piece of clay and it hits someone, but the piece of clay is quite small and I want to put a red circle around it so that you can see it hit the person.

2. Someone yells Bulls*** and it is rather loud, I have put a swear bleep in but I can still hear the word in the backround, I need this fixed.

3. the person filming the fight put the camera to the side as if to take a portrait photo and that bit is really good and it shows up on its side in the movie. Can someone please tell me how to flip it.

I am using windows movie maker, if I can do any of the above in movie maker it would be great. even if you just know the answer to one just make a comment. PLEASE HELP!!!

Movie Editing?
i have had the same problems when i use but would love to know how you put in the bleep because i can't figure out how to .....???????

dental work

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