Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lesbian community, movie better than chocolate?

I'm doing a research on queer theory, gay and lesbian studies, mainstream media, etc. and now doing a commentary on movie"Better than chocolate" directed by Anne Wheeler. (have u watched the movie yet?)

In my opinion the movie succeeded to produce a refreshing sight of a queer-centered world, in which the straight people are on the periphery. it depicts the reality that is most consistently erased in mainstream media’s images of queers: community.

Even so, it lacks gay male characters?? There's one transsexual character, few straight characters, and mostly of course lesbian characters (since this movie is about lesbian love). But there's no gay male characters in this movie.

What do you think about this?

and how about sterotypes? the characters are very stereotypical.

Lesbian community, movie better than chocolate?
A movie that protrayed a trans woman this badly is off my list.

"But there's no gay male characters in this movie.

What do you think about this?"

An idea whose time has come. Try comparing gay visiblilty to lesbian visiblilty sometime. We need our own spaces, and freedom from being overshadowed by men, gay or not.
Reply:I think that the movie definately plays on stereotypes. My impression of it overall is that it was a "cute" depiction of a lesbian love story. But really nothing more than that. It was actually sort of scattered in its plot bc it tried to inject some other characters with queers issues. I didnt really appreciate their attempt at that. As far as being an accurate depiction of real life... there are few movies out there that achieve that.
Reply:Stereotypes have their place. The characters in the movie weren't negative stereotypes. At least there weren't any redneck, man hating butch dykes wearing a truckers cap and spitting out chew....

I think having male gay characters would have been distracting... Those queers always steal the show!

I think the movie Gia, with Angelina Jolie portrayed lesbian love pretty well, with out a lot of the stereotypes.

Anyway, have fun!
Reply:I thought the movie was stupid
Reply:I didn't like that movie at all.

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