My soon to be husband is so in to movies and he is really good at making ideas for movies!!!! But he don't think that they are good, but I think and everyone that we have told. they think the movie ideas are great!!! I want him to help but i really don't know how or where I would even start? Plus i know that the movie business is hard and cold and how do I go about it? Where do I even start? I know that his storys will be really great.
Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Movie making?
he should attend a local community college to learn the basics, and be able to use equipment. there really is no real way to "GET INTO HOLLYWOOD" its a game of chance.
if your passion to tell a story compels you, it shouldn't make any difference, heck even netflix can help distribute new directors and artists. if he wants it bad enough, he should already have a plan.
Reply:Well personally i think its up to him and as you the wife,u must support him with what decision he makes,i know its tough but his got a dream and you must help him in acheiving that dream.Give him a few pointers and ideas when his got ideas.
Dont worry,one day he will get that perfect IDEA.
Trust me
Reply:submit them to Readers Digest.
this wide read magazine would put your husbands ideas in the lime light. Also other popular magazines or maybe he could get a newspaper column.
Reply:He's going to have to get his ideas on paper, sooner or later. DO NOT send ideas to Reader's Digest, as one responder suggested. RD only reprints previously published material or material from writers on assignment. If your husband can't bring himself to sit down and write a script, he might consider collaborating with a writer. Posting material or script ideas on has proven fruitful for many writers. This site is regularly viewed by talent agencies and film producers.
dental assistant
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